Feel free to contact us if you have any question.
Running a company is hard and no-one wants to manually track leave, so we developed Leave Monitor as a fast and secure way to track and manage leave time. Leave
Monitor is an online management for leave amongst staff and can be applied in many types of businesses. The vast majority of companies are stuck in the past, using outdated methods to manually track leave time which can lead to inaccuracy - we eradicated this with Leave Monitor. It's easy to setup, cost effective and a perfect platform for businesses of any size. Leave Monitor is automated and can be easily controlled by a manager or administrator, saving time and money. We understand the hassle of manually tracking staff leave, so our online management will break the chain of conventional and unreliable leave planning.
What are the initial steps to set up an account?
The easiest way to open an account is to use our
SignUp page to setup the initial account. Our system
will send you an email to confirm the account. Once you confirm your account, you can login to your admin account setup the details according to
your company policy. Your admin account will allow you to add all other user accounts and manage them.
As we offer free setup, you can take our help to set up the account
Step- 1
Download the template from
this link that contains 2 worksheets
worksheet 1 – Contains the questions about the company leave policy
worksheet 2 – Employees details.
Step- 2
Fill the templates with your data and send it back to Leave Monitor support team (support [at] leavemonitor [dot] com
Step- 3
Leave Monitor support team will setup the client administrator account and all
other employees account and confirm you.
(Note: if client wants we can send an automatic email with the user details when
we create the employee accounts or Client administrator can send their details)
And Start using the system!!!
What if we have some existing data that we like to upload?
Leave Monitor support team will be happy to help you in this case. Once your
account is ready to use, ask our support team to send you a data template in
excel format. Just fill the data properly in the template and send it back to
us. We will upload the data for you.
What are the regular administrative works in Leave Monitor?
Leave Monitor is an automated system and there are not any daily/monthly
administrative works to follow. The system needs be configured only once. As an
administrator, it is important that you provide the correct information when you
fill up the template files at the beginning. After that you do not have any daily/monthly work. You need to use your admin account only for these following items.
1. Add the details of any new recruits.
2. If any user wants to delete any authorized leave.
3. Download a report.
4. If there any changes in your leave policy (Our support team can help you to
do this).
5. Add bank holidays of your operating countries (Once a year- Our support team
can help you to do this). We will provide a user guide for this. And our support
team will always available to help you.
How many Administrative accounts can I have for one subscription?
We normally provide one administrative account for every subscription if
your subscription has less than 50 user accounts. It is only to prevent the
overwriting of subscription settings from different admin accounts. But if you
need, you can add more admin account from the primary admin account.
How can I learn more about the features of Leave Monitor?
Once user log in to their account, they will see a help section that will
cover most of the function of the system. We normally provide a user guide to
the administrator and managers to understand the flow. Admin can also submit any
query through the help section.
What is the basic flow of the system?
Once the administrator setup everything correctly, normal users can start using
the system straight way. Every employees account will be configured with a
manager’s account/admin account to authorize the request. The basic flow of the
system is that the employee will apply for a leave and the associate
manager/admin will authorize the request. Here is the flow
--- Employee login to Leave Monitor and submits a leave/travel/expense request.
---Our system checks the associate manager of the employee and sends an email to
the manager’s email address.
--- Manager log into Leave Monitor and see the request in the pending request list
of the home page. Manager either authorizes or declines the request.
---Employee receives a confirmation email from the system about the decision.
Employee can see the up to date information in Leave Monitor.
As a Manager, what I need to do to authorize the leave request?
If you are set as a manager of any employee, you need to authorize/decline
your employees leave request. Once an employee applies for a leave, you will
receive an email from Leave Monitor to take action. So you need to login to the
system and check the request details from the pending request list. You can do
any of the following
1. If you are happy with the leave time, just authorize the request.
2. If you need more information, add a note and change the status to in
progress. Our system will send the note to the employee to provide the
additional information.
3. If you do not want to let your employee to go to leave on that time, decline
the request.
4. If you can’t take the decision, assign this to another manager.
Can I use the Administrator account to authorize the leave request?
Yes. You can use the administrator account as a manager’s account. In this
case, admin account needs to be selected as a manager of the employee. So the
administrator will get an email when any employee applies for leave. And the
administrator needs to log in to the admin account and take action of the
request from the pending request list.
As a normal user, what functions are available for me?
1. Apply for holiday leave/sick leave/work from home/travel.
2. See your leave/travel summary.
3. See your pending /completed request list
4. Communicate with your manager through any pending request.
5. See who is on leave in day/month view.
6. Update your profile and change your password.
7. Set your language to use the system in your local language.
8. Reset your password if you forget your current password.
As a Manager user, what functions are available for me?
1. All available function of a normal user account.
2. Authorize any individual leave request if you are the manager of the
3. Authorize bulk leave request if you are the manager of the employees.
4. Communicate with your employee through any pending request list.
5. Assign any other manager to authorize any pending request.
As an administrator what functions are available for me?
1. All available function of a manager user account.
2. Setup your companies standard leave policy like yearly leave allowance,
yearly sickness allowance email settings etc.
3. Add/Edit/Delete any custom leave type that your company allows (ex: study
4. Add/Edit/Delete your companies operating countries and working days.
5. Add/Edit/Delete bank holidays of your operating countries
6. Upload your company logo.
7. Add/Edit/Delete any user group/ department 8. Add/Edit/Delete any user
accounts 9. Update any users account to manager/administrator 10. Change users
setting like users yearly leave allowance, users yearly sickness allowance,
users working days, users 11. See any users leave summary and Delete any of them
if necessary. 12. See any report and download them. 13. Put a notice for any
group of users so they can see your notice once they login to the system. 14.
User your account as a normal user account
My account is not working.
Please check with your company administrator to make sure that your account is active. Otherwise, please contact our support team. We will reply within 24-72 hours.